Fresh juices

Drinking fresh juices changes the way we feel. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. They assimilate quickly, taking only 15 minutes for the body to digest. Raw fruit and vegetable juices provide healing properties for the body, and enhance digestion. They can also improve sleep, strengthen digestion, build immunity, and provide a lifetime of health benefits.

It is easy to make freshly squeezed juices. All you need are high-quality produce and a good juicer. Invest in a juice extractor that lets you experiment with different fruits and vegetables. The juicer will become your medicine cabinet and successful juice therapy. By blending small amounts of juice, you can find combinations that suit your taste. You can combine vegetables and fruit. My favorite is carrot and apple juice. As with herbs, I consider freshly squeezed juices a wise supplement. Try fresh carrot, apple, and ginger. It tastes and feels great.

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