Prioritize Sleep

A wonderful day starts with sleeping well. Sleep is essential to radiant health, vitality, and beauty. It is our body’s natural way for rejuvenating and restoring the brain. When you sleep well, your body repairs and renews. This helps you function better and feel your best the next day. In traditional Chinese medicine, lack of sleep exhausts and damages the kidneys.

I prioritize my beauty sleep and try to establish a positive relationship with rest and relaxation. I can honestly say that after a good nights sleep my life is improved. I make up my mind easily, my outlook is brighter and more positive. I focus better during the day and I feel more alert and up beat. In other words, it can help me live healthier, happier, and meet the day with a good mood.

An over active mind, too much excitement late in the evening, too much exhaustion from a long day at work, eating the wrong foods, lack of sleep the night before, poor digestion, worry or negative thinking, stress, and drama can all prevent us from getting a good nights sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause automatic behavior. I used to keep a sleep journal which was a part of my food journal because I wanted to learn how to relax and unwind as well as be active. Balance is the key to everything. It helped me to identify what I should do to achieve restorative sound sleep and create a healthy sleeping routine. Here are some simple and practical tips that helped me get a restful nights sleep:

Write down any worries or plans for today and tomorrow then dismiss those thoughts from your mind

Go to bed at about the same time each night

Get up at the same time each day. Train yourself to wake up everyday without the alarm clock; wake up naturally

Make sleep a priority

Eat a meal several hours before bedtime, if you are hungry, eat a light snack

Eliminate alcohol, quite smoking

Keep yourself physically active during the day

Enjoy fresh air daily, absorb as much daylight as possible, have a brisk walk outdoors on the way to work or home

Keep the bedroom cool, dark, and quiet

Be comfortable in bed

Block out the world with curtains

Take a warm bath an hour before bedtime with lavender and chamomile essential oils to calm a restless mind

Burn a lavender scented candle (lavender is stress relieving and makes your way into sleep easier, it is soothing and calms the mind and emotions)

Try taking slow deep breaths while you’re lying down

Wear earplugs or play relaxing music

Have a dream pillow (a small sachet filled with aromatic herbs next to your pillow) I squeeze the dream pillow to give me a sedative feeling

If you want to sleep well, you could try following food that supports sleeping better; milk and honey, baked potatoes, oats, rice, or chamomile tea before bed. All these soothe digestive concerns that might interfere with good sleep. Making a simple and enjoyable change can help to create a new and healthy habit of drifting off to sleep soundly. When I realized that sleep is as important as food, water, and feeling good, I began treating restful sleep with respect and quality attention. Good sleep is becoming a luxury nowadays. Have that luxury, let the luxury of good sleep help improve your mood, vitality, health, beauty, and feeling of self worth. If you want to thrive, you need to prioritize sleep. Have a sleep routine. In addition to sleeping soundly, it is important to exercise, eat well, and think positively. Become a master of good beauty rest. Enjoy your sleep tonight and feel more refreshed and energized tomorrow.


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