A happiness walk

There are many fitness alternatives available. Walking is one of the best and most undervalued forms of exercise. Even if you don’t have time to go to the gym or work out, take a long walk through a local park or get off the subway a stop early and walk home. This will get your heart pumping, and provide the exercise your body needs to stay healthy.

You can start with walking and stretching and gradually move to a more advanced body routine. Try brisk walking for 20 minutes every day or every other day. Start walking this week. Start with a pace and distance that are comfortable for you, and add on to that every week. Take a pleasant walk along the ocean or in a park. Make walking a permanent part of your lifestyle. Daydream and breathe fresh air. Breath is life. Also, seeing the sky and nature is peaceful and beautiful. It balances the mind and body. A regular walking-in-the-sun routine has a bonus of filling us with vitamin D. It is the simplest and most convenient way to reach your health and fitness goals.

I indulge in a happiness walk, especially when the weather is nice. During my happiness walk, I turn my attention to breathing fresh air, exhaling tiredness, and inhaling energy, feeling the fresh flow into my lungs and cells. Mentally I talk to myself: fresh air in, stale air out. When I am tired after a long and busy day, I enjoy taking my happiness walk. It calms me immediately. It works for me, and it can work for you too. Walk, run, take a bike ride, play some tennis, move your body in whatever way you like best. Regular exercise is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your blood sugar and your overall health. Plan to socialize around exercise. Meet with health-minded people for yoga class, or go out dancing. Enjoy the process of becoming healthier and happier.

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