Between Friends

I dislike conflict and I’m very sensitive to the moods of others. But around my close friends I feel comfortable. I am open to making new good friends too. I try to make the best of our relationships by learning more about my friends and their personalities. By knowing things like whether they prefer to spend time alone or be in a crowd, go to the gym or take a yoga class, if they are sensitive or if I can say anything to them, I can build and strengthen the relationship we have. I have friends for different activities; one of my dear friends loves shopping. She could have been a great designer, she has exquisite taste. I love spending time with her and if we are going out to a mall all the better. She is the kind of person where I can feel comfortable just being in her company. After shopping we have lunch, talk about style and beauty, drink coffee with a square of chocolate, and just take pleasure in spending time together. Another friend likes going to yoga and classes with me. We learn how to live a healthy lifestyle, philosophy, and fill our head with beautiful, positive stories. We always have warm and encouraging talks. My friends and I share similar interests, we opt for seeing life on the bright side. Life can be more easy, simple, and lovely when we understand each other better. I don’t hesitate to make my friends feel good when they need it. Good friends provide mutual support, advice, pleasant times, affection, and energy for living. The more quality people I bring into my circle of life, the better. There are so many wonderful people in the universe. Most importantly though, friends have to be non judgmental and accept one another the way they are. Respect the individuality of a person. I really care about treating people with a lot of respect. Having a beautiful and supportive relationship between friends is absolutely exceptional. When you can count on friends, it makes life comfortable, joyful, and balanced.

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