Go with Great Grains

Boost your health the natural way. 

Say hello to great whole grains in this wonderful  time of the year. In winter, when the cold weather comes, we need heavy foods to warm us up like winter squash, meat, fish, nuts, beets, avocado, bananas and more healthy oils. 

In the Americas corn was the staple grain. In India and Asia, it was rice. In Africa people ate sorghum. In the Middle East they made pita bread, tabouli and couscous. In Europe corn, millet, wheat, rice, pasta, dark breads, and even beer were considered health-providing foods. In Scotland oats were a staple food. In Russia, they ate buckwheat or kasha. Very few people were overweight.

Whole grains are an excellent source of nutrition  as they contain essential enzymes, iron, dietary fiber, vitamin E, and the B-complex vitamins. Because the body absorbs grain slowly, grains provide sustained and high quality energy. Each grain has it is own benefits. For example, brown rice promotes good digestion and relives mental depression. Buckwheat stabilizes blood sugar, normalizes blood pressure and builds blood. Quinoa strengthens the kidneys, heart and lungs, and is easy to digest. It is an ideal food for endurance. Grains speed up metabolism and reduce stress. I think you might consider eating them  at most meals.  Experiment with grains until you find  your favorite. Remember, moderation is the key to good health.

You can choose from warming grains ( oats, quinoa. sorghum, spelt, and sweet rice ),neutral grains ( amaranth, brown rice, blue corn, buckwheat,couscous, millet, rye,wild rice ) and cooling grains ( buckwheat flours, barley, wheat germ ).

Warm and comforting whole grains provide amazing nutritional support. Incorporate good quality grains into your diet. It will help you balance your body and life. Whole grains – one of the most nutritious foods in the world. Enjoy!

Brown Basmati Pilaf

Serves 4

1 cup brown basmati rice

1/2 cup dried cranberries

1/2 walnut pieces

1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped

2 cups water

1 tbs. butter

pinch of salt

  1. Rinse rice in fine mesh strainer until the water runs clear. 
  2. Boil the water and add rice and salt. Cover and reduce heat.
  3. After 15 minutes add cranberries  and walnuts on top, do not stir.
  4. Cook 15-25 more minutes, until all the liquid is absorbed.
  5. Remove from heat, add butter, parsley fluff with fork. Cover and let sit for 3-5 minutes before serving.

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