Mindful Eating

Here is a great mindful eating approach for you to try. Pay attention to how you eat. Meals become satisfying and delightful. Food has to be a pleasant experience. Mindful ness in eating is about having a good relationship with food
and yourself. A good relationship with food will help gain and maintain good health and an ideal weight.
It depends on what you eat and how you eat. Having an occasional meal in silence and spending quality time with yourself is marvelous.

Eating begins with the simple art of chewing. Chewing leads to smooth digestion and greater assimilation of nutrients Prepare yourself for a slow process of eating. Eat your delicious and nutritious meals by sitting down at table instead of the computer or television. Have an elegant lunch or dinner. Serve appealing food on a beautiful plate, make sure your bites are mindful. Give all your attention to your mouth. Take a few bites, look at it, smell it, listen to it, and begin to chew. Pay undivided attention to the food, chew slowly, each bite has to be chewed and tasted. Inhale the aroma, observe a simple beauty of each item on your fork. Enjoy chewing, try counting the chews in each bite, aiming for 30 to 50 times. It helps if you put your fork down between bites. Let the simple act of chewing relax you. Taking the time to chew will help you to enjoy the whole spectrum of tastes and aromas that make up the meal. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you have eaten enough. When you chew your food thoroughly, digestion becomes efficient, and your body will begin to feel wonderfully light. Find peace and enjoyment in mindful eating.

Search out the balance between eating and physical activity. When you want to reach an ideal weigh just double down on vegetables, eat a well-balanced diet between proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Most important, when you are eating mindfully, or not so mindfully, just send positive wishes of radiant health, energy, abundance, love, happiness to yourself. It is a wonderful meditation with a powerful healing effect. I take pleasure in mindful eating and want to do it more often. I am working on it.

Mindfulness-based eating approach is effective and pleasurable. It is like food therapy. Create a daily retreat of eating mindfully. When you eat healthfully and chew food thoroughly you feel fuller and satisfy your appetite with less food. Make mindful eating a conscious, self-aware choice without any judgement. Seek health, enjoyment and pleasure in every meal of the day. Enjoy the benefits of slowing down and savoring every bite. It helps to live fully and mindfully in the present moment. The magical power of the present moment. Discover your own approach to mindful eating and mindful living. The more mindfulness in our days the better for us. Learning to live healthy is practicing it. Be persistent and patient in creating your eating style. Learn the art of mindful eating.

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