The Gratitude Journal


I ask myself on a daily basis what I can do each day to make my life healthy, radiant, and extraordinary. If you are like me, striving to live a healthy and joyful life each day, there is a definite place in your routine for a gratitude journal.

Gratitude definitely has a boomerang effect; the good vibes we emanate always come back to us multiplied. I truly believe in the saying, “you get what you send out”. With that in mind, it would be the perfect time to start a gratitude habit. Feeling grateful is good for us. It has benefits that include better sleep, a better mood, better balance, better appreciation of ourselves and others, better health, better communication, better intention, better goals, better everything! With all of these benefits, I committed to a 30 day journal path. I treated it as a playful game; developing a gratitude habit was simple, fun, and interesting. Also, a great topic of conversation with like minded friends. It takes minimum effort and gives maximum rewards.

I remember the time when I was less grateful. I was preoccupied with complaints, burdens, deprivations, excuses, and gossip. Gratitude journaling taught me to use a different language and a better vocabulary which emphasized my appreciation of life and positive mood. It’s about learning how to see good fortune everywhere you go. Gradually, I was ruminating less and less on the negative thanks to a process of developing a more grateful perspective. I began to view everything and everyone I met with gratitude and respect. Every morning I would write down three to five things that I was grateful for and it made it easier to start the day off with a smile. I started by being grateful for simple and easy things, like choosing super comfortable bed sheets, having soft pillows or a refreshing shower, using body wash with lavender scent, colorful towels, cozy bathrobes, etc. I got more specific and detailed as I went through this wonderful and exciting process.

I suddenly found myself looking forward to finding new things in life to be appreciative of. Looking for novelties in the everyday made this game as fun as possible and mindful about very specific things. After the 30 days were over, I found that I didn’t want to stop this new habit and now gratitude journaling is part of my daily routine. The gratitude journal is a great tool to find your inner nature and make peace with it by communication. Make a priority to feel happy every day. A gratitude habit can be easily attained in a 30 day journaling path to more appreciative living. Health and happiness is within your reach, waiting to be revealed!

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