Barefoot Joy

I’m passionate about nature and my inspiration often comes from the beach. I love walking barefoot in the sand or through the rain. Feeling the grass between my toes and having the warmth of a sunny day on my skin as I smell the summer fragrance. I go to the beach and I let my feet connect with the soil, utilizing natures most powerful energy. All I have to do is put my bare feet on the ground.

When I’m in direct contact with the ground; walking, sitting, laying down on the earth’s surface, I feel as if the flow of energy from the earth induces and promotes optimum health and well being. Breathing the fresh air allows more oxygen to flow to your brain promoting such health benefits as reduced stress, enhanced circulation, more energy, improved sleep, and a feeling of balance. This is a supply of energy within our reach. Interacting with nature creates more space and healing in our lives. I feel the need to savor every second of summer and make days last longer. I say often to myself, “Kick off your shoes! Allow yourself to absorb the light of the day, the energy of the earth, the beauty of nature, and the benefits of barefoot joy!”


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