From Closets to Cabinets: Creating a Home that you Adore

While I was unpacking more summer clothes, I stopped, looked around, and had a thought that it would be a great idea to transform my closet into the closet of my dreams. All I needed to do was arrange my wardrobe neatly on hangers, by the color, dividing the closet space into a dress section, jacket section, bag section, etc. In other words, I had to get rid of clutter which would not benefit my mind and body in the long run according to Feng Shui philosophy. Feng Shui is the Chinese art of arranging your surroundings to make the flow of positive and auspicious energy in your life. It was tested with time, so it is a reliable source. I examined my surroundings and decided to organize every corner in my home, making sure good energy will travel freely without being blocked at cluttered places.

Every part of my life deserves quality attention. My closets and home are no different. They have been waiting for my undivided attention. My main goal was to make everything in perfect order. I decluttered rooms, kitchen cabinets,  my bathroom, drawers,  reduced my wardrobe,  and only kept clothes that cheer me up and look good on me. At first, I was overwhelmed at the thought of all the work that was ahead of me, but I knew what good it would do and that it would be well worth the time. I couldn’t believe how many unnessesary belongings were sitting useless. I started small; one drawer at a time, one hour per day I evacuated some belongings that I didn’t use. The belongings that I no longer needed, but were still in good condition, I donated to charity.

It feels great to open up the closet and know exactly what you want to wear. I love creating assignments for myself. Starting each day with a specific task (like cleaning out my bathroom cabinet) and creating a plan on how to achieve them. It keeps me busy, meditative, and creative. The surroundings are adorable, the closets are awesome, the home is clean and cozy, and I have beautiful, fresh flowers in a vase. A few simple changes around the home can make a real difference. My lovely home greets me in a positive way every time I open the door.

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